Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Disabled veterans sometimes don't get all the benefits they should because they don't apply for all their benefits.  If you are a disabled US Veteran, here are some things you should know:

1)  You are covered for both VA benefits and Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI).

2)  You paid into the Social Security trust fund during your entire military career, thus are covered by Social Security disability insurance.

3.  Getting a Social Security (SSDI) benefit will not hinder your VA disability benefits.  You may get both.

4.  Social Security does not automatically approve disability benefits because the VA does.  They have different rules and an entirely different application process.  You must apply for each benefit separately.

5.  Many qualified veterans will apply for SSDI benefits and be improperly denied.  The decision making process is flawed and rejects many claims that should be paid.  The only cure for this is an appeal where an administrative law judge will review your case and give you a new (often more favorable) decision.

6. Your odds of being approved at the hearing are better if you have good representation.  Concerning representation, you should know:
  • Your representative can't charge you a fee unless you win.
  • You can't be charged a fee until you are awarded back pay.
  • Social Security must approve any fee in advance (before it is paid) and in writing.  There are strict limits on the amount of the fee.
I have represented disabled veterans in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky.  My track record is very good.  I offer free initial consultations, free case evaluations and if I accept your case, I will do all the development work out of my pocket with no advance expenses charged to you.  You will settle up with me after Social Security awards back payments and approves my fees.  If you don't win, or if you don't collect any back pay, you will not owe me a fee--ever.

The Forsythe Firm is located in Huntsville, Alabama and we have an office in Franklin, TN, as well.  If you need assistance, please call us at (256) 799-0297.

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