Thursday, September 28, 2017


Alabama football coach Bear Bryant said it best.

"There's a lot of blood, sweat and cuts between dreams and success."

The short of it is, anything worthwhile takes a lot of hard work.  This is true with winning football games and it's certainly true with winning Social Security disability cases.

I've watched some football practice and there's nothing especially exciting about it.  Lots of running, sweating and falling. Sometimes a lot of failing. And there's nobody cheering from the stands.  But the hard work pays off on game day!

I often come out of a disability hearing thinking, "That hearing was won before I ever set foot in the courtroom."  It was won by the sweat of dull, routine hard work done in preparation.  And that's important.

If you need Social Security disability benefits, it's important to find a representative who will endure the "blood, sweat and cuts" that it takes to prepare the case.  The 45 minutes before the judge are important, to be sure.  But it's the preparation beforehand that often sets you up to win or lose.  My firm is motivated to win.  We don't always win, of course--but we always try to.  As the Bear might have said, "Winning isn't everything.  But losing is nothing."


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