Saturday, July 18, 2020


If you have an "average" SSDI case, here are your chances to be approved at each step in the process:

Step 1 (the Application):  About 27 percent

Step 2 ("Reconsideration")  About 5 percent

Step 3 (Hearing with an ALJ)*:  About 42 percent
*Administrative Law Judge

Certainly every case is different and it's hard to figure out exactly what an "average" case is.  I'm using state and national averages for my numbers.

The point is, the odds are against you in Steps 1 and 2 but they improve quite a bit when you get to the hearing.

I'm afraid a lot of people quit after Step 2 ("Reconsideration"), and this is a real shame because they miss the step with the best chance for approval.

"Reconsideration," always in quotation marks, is frankly a rubber stamp denial process.  In my opinion, very little "reconsidering" gets done here.  What is my evidence?  Well, only 5 out of 100 see any change in their decisions.  Also, at least 42 percent of those who go on to a hearing win.  This means that a high percentage of claimants denied at "Reconsideration" should have been approved.

A recent study using 2015 data showed about 46,000 claimants who were denied at "Reconsideration" and went on to a hearing.  Of these 46,000 claimants about 55 percent were approved at the hearing.

Your case may not be "average," certainly it not to you--but my advice is don't quit after one or two denials.  Take your case at least to the hearing, which is Step 3 in the Social Security disability process.

Call me if  you'd like a free consultation.  We confer by phone, and if we represent you we will never try to collect a fee unless we win.  We observe a strict "No Win, No Pay" policy.  If we don't win, you don't pay.
The Forsythe Firm
7027 Old Madison Pike
Huntsville, AL 35806
"Across from Bridge Street"
CALL US:  (256) 799-0297

Email US:


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