Friday, July 24, 2020


With the COVID-19 pandemic spreading, Social Security has closed all hearing offices.  They are trying to keep up with their hearing schedule by using telephone hearings.

A telephone hearing is held with the claimant at home.  The attorney is in his/her office and the judge is usually at his or her home.  Each party is placed in a conference call on the telephone.

Telephone hearings operate basically like other hearings.  The one big difference is technology.  It all depends on being able to hear each other over the phone.

The most important thing is to prove your disability according to the rules of the Social Security Administration.  This is never easy and depends heavily on objective medical evidence from your doctors and other treating sources.  Of course, you must know what the rules are before you can hope to meet them.

Telephone hearings last about 45 minutes, a bit longer if there are technical problems (someone's phone cuts off or drops a call).  No decision is usually announced at the hearing; that comes later in a written decision.

My office has adapted well to telephone hearings.  I call or meet with my client (their choice) about a week prior to the hearing.  I explain what to expect, what our case is based on, and answer the client's questions.  Hopefully, then, nothing comes as a surprise during the hearing.

Social Security has been using telephone hearings since March, 2020.  As far as we can tell, judges are awarding benefits at about the same rate as they were during in-person hearings.
The Forsythe Firm
7027 Old Madison Pike, Suite 108
Huntsville, AL 35806

Call:  (256) 799-0297

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