Sunday, October 1, 2017


Doctors cannot approve individuals for Social Security benefits.  However, doctors can play a crucial role in helping to get benefits approved.

It's important to approach your doctor in the right way.

1)  Choose the doctor who knows you and your disabling medical condition the best.  For instance, if you are unable to work because of heart problems, you may need to approach your cardiologist.  If you are disabled due to a back impairment, you may need to speak to your orthopedic specialist.

2)  Make an appointment to see the doctor.  Don't call him or her on the phone and ask for help.  

3)  Supply the appropriate form you want filled out.  Doctors do not keep these forms in their office.  You have to take it with you.  The forms are called a "Medical Source Statement" and you can sometimes find them online.  Most attorneys who practice Social Security law have these forms.  

4)  Reassure your doctor that completing a medical source statement will not involve them with any appearance before a Social Security decision maker.  They will absolutely not get a subpoena or request to appear.  Completion of the form will be their only involvement. 

I often explain to doctors that Social Security is not asking them for a special examination, measurements or consultative exams.  They want the doctor's opinion about certain work-related activities, based on the physician's past examinations, observations and medical findings.  It is of absolutely no value for your doctor to refer you to another doctor for a special examination.  You need the opinion of your doctor, not some new doctor who has never treated or examined you before. 

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