Thursday, October 12, 2017


"Am I disabled?"

You may think so, but to collect disability benefits you must prove that you are legally disabled.

Social Security will find you disabled if you have a severe medical condition, lasting for at least 12 consecutive months, that prevents you from performing any full time work available in the national economy.

Proof of disability must come from objective medical evidence--that is, the records of doctors or other treating professionals. If your impairment is physical, imaging studies such as X-rays, MRI or CT scans are most helpful.  Laboratory studies can also be useful.

"I haven't been able to go to a doctor.  Will Social Security send me to one of their doctors?"

They may.  However, these examinations rarely uncover any evidence that helps the claimant get approved for benefits.  It is much, much better if you can see your own doctor and establish a regular treatment relationship with him or her.

If you are not able to afford medical care, try one of the community free clinics or a reduced cost clinic where fees are based on your ability to pay.  The path to Social Security benefits runs through your doctor's office.  


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