Monday, August 23, 2021



The most complicated thing an average American will ever run into is not a home mortgage. It's a Social Security disability application.

If you are unfortunate enough to have to file one, you will understand. A home mortgage can usually be done is 2 to 4 weeks. A Social Security disability application process can take 6 months to 18 months and the paperwork is horrendous.

On any of the forms, you can make a mistake that will get your benefits denied or endlessly delayed. One example: A claimant gave an incorrect zip code which caused Social Security mail to be returned and the claim was delayed for weeks.

And it's not just the paperwork. It's knowing how to answer the questions. Often, it's just being able to understand the questions. Social Security forms are designed to ask for the same information repetitively, so it's easy to be inconsistent.

Then there are the technical things you need to know:

  • When is your Alleged Onset Date or AOD?
  • When is your Date Last Insured or DLI?
  • What is your PIA? (Primary Insurance Amount)?
  • Which of your medical conditions are severe?
  • Do you meet a grid rule or a Social Security Listing?

No wonder most individuals filing for disability seek professional help with the application process.

Also, most applications are going to require appeals. That will beg for professional legal help later on.

Most attorneys will not even help completed the original application because it's such a long, exhausting paperwork process. Most will ask the claimant to file the original application himself then contact the attorney after they get denied. This reduces the attorney's paperwork on the case tremendously.

My office can sometimes help complete the initial application. You may get a free consultation (no obligation) by calling the Forsythe Firm at (256) 799-0297.

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