Sunday, October 14, 2018


It's well known that disability claims in the Huntsville, AL are take up to 2 years.  Claims are usually denied at the first stage and require a hearing.  But there are certain circumstances that your attorney or advocate can use to speed up your claim and drastically cut wait times:

1)  Compassionate Allowance.  Social Security recognizes approximately 300 diseases that automatically qualify for SSDI or SSI benefits.  If you have one of these diseases, your attorney can ask for a compassionate allowance and get benefits approved right away.

2)  Dire Need.  If you can show that you can't pay your rent or mortgage and would be homeless without assistance, you might qualify for a faster dire need decision.  If you need urgent medical care that you cannot obtain, you might qualify for dire need consideration.  A dire need does not necessarily get you approved; it simply gets you a hearing much faster.

3)  On-the-Record (OTR) decision.  In some circumstances, your attorney or representative may ask a judge to make a review of your case on the record, meaning a documentary review without a hearing, and make a decision.  This can save several months off the process.  However, OTR decisions are not right for every case.

4)  Disabled Veterans with a 100 percent VA disability rating may qualify for expedited processing.  In some circumstances, this can cut the processing time in half, or it could even be faster than that.

Aside from one of these four circumstances, your representative can keep your case moving by completing applications and forms promptly and properly.

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