Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Can you be denied Social Security benefits because you feed your dog, take walks or do the laundry?  Absolutely.

On the Function Report, part of a Social Security disability application, you are asked about all kind of daily activities.  Do you care for any pets?  Do you cook?  Do you shop?  Do you drive?  Can you do housework?  How far can you walk?

Since individuals who apply for Social Security benefits are not working, they can't ask you about difficulties with work related chores.  Instead they ask about activities of daily living--things you commonly do around your house.

A recent denial letter says:  "You state that you are disabled by osteoarthritis, diabetes, depression and anxiety.  However, you can perform most activities and are able to perform some work as it exists in the national economy." 

Social Security uses the Function Report for a picture of how robust your daily activities are.  Most claimants rush through this rather exhaustive form, hoping to finish it in a couple of hours, and in doing so they fail to adequately describe limitations in their daily routines. 

Take time to read each question on the Function Report carefully.  Write each answer carefully and be as specific as possible.  Instead of phrases like "not much" or "not very often," use phrases like "ten to fifteen minutes," or "once or twice a week."  Be sure to state how often you need a break while doing household chores like cooking, shopping, laundry, etc.   

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