Friday, December 8, 2017


There's no such thing as a free lunch. But there is something almost as good.

You can get first class legal representation for your Social Security disability claim and pay a fee only if you win, and only if you receive past due benefits.

That's because Social Security law favors the claimant, not the attorney on this matter.  Your representative cannot charge you a fee unless the case is settled in your favor.  This guarantees that you can't run up a large legal bill while failing to get enough benefits to make it worthwhile.

And the amount of your legal fee is strictly limited.  You can only be charged a maximum of 25 percent of your back pay. So, for example, if you receive $10,000 in back pay, your attorney's fee can be no more than $2,500.

Also, there are other protections put in place to make sure the fee you pay is reasonable.

Is there a downside to this policy?  The only downside is that an attorney or representative cannot be paid unless you are successful.  This tends to make representatives very careful in selecting cases for representation.  No one wants to work up to 2 years on a case and not get paid for it.  Therefore, attorneys or advocates only accept cases that they feel are likely to be successful.

My firm will provide you with a free initial consultation, during which we will evaluate your claim to see if you have a good chance of winning.  If we feel that you do, we may agree to represent you without a fee until your case is favorably settled, or with no fee if the case does not settle favorably.

Call us at (256) 799-0297.


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