Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I speak truthfully when I tell people that Social Security disability is not welfare.  You paid for it, you earned it.  Claim it.

Here's why the Social Security disability program is not welfare:

1)  You paid FICA tax every day you worked.  FICA stands for "Federal Insurance Contribution Act."  It's actually a Social Security tax.  It came out of every paycheck you earned.

2)  You were forced to purchase Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) by the US government.  You were not given a choice.  This is a government sponsored disability insurance plan, just like you would purchase from an insurance company.  The only difference, it was mandatory--you were forced to buy it, no choice.

3)  The Social Security program is self-financing.  It is not paid for out of the general US treasury.  FICA taxes come out of your paycheck, are matched by your employer, and go into a special trust fund.  When you become disabled, money comes out of the trust fund to pay your benefit.  This is the same principle used by large insurance companies to offer benefits to their policyholders.  When you get an SSDI benefit check, you are not spending government tax money.

If you bought an insurance policy from Allstate, State Farm, Met Life or any other large insurance company, and paid premiums for years, wouldn't you expect them to pay a claim on the policy?  That would not be welfare.  That would be business under contract.

The same is true with Social Security disability.  You paid the premium every day you worked.  Now, you have a claim.  Expect the government insurance plan to pay off on it.  No welfare involved here.   


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